with Semantic Kernel
strength_questions = ["What unique recipes or ingredients does the pizza shop use?", "What are the skills and experience of the staff?", "Does the pizza shop have a strong reputation in the local area?",
"Are there any unique features of the shop or its location that attract customers?", "Does the pizza shop have a strong reputation in the local area?", "Are there any unique features of the shop or its location that attract customers?"]
weakness_questions = ["What are the operational challenges of the pizza shop? (e.g., slow service, high staff turnover)", "Are there financial constraints that limit growth or improvements?",
"Are there any gaps in the product offering?", "Are there customer complaints or negative reviews that need to be addressed?"]
opportunities_questions = ["Is there potential for new products or services (e.g., catering, delivery)?", "Are there under-served customer segments or market areas?",
"Can new technologies or systems enhance the business operations?", "Are there partnerships or local events that can be leveraged for marketing?"]
threats_questions = ["Who are the major competitors and what are they offering?", "Are there potential negative impacts due to changes in the local area (e.g., construction, closure of nearby businesses)?",
"Are there economic or industry trends that could impact the business negatively (e.g., increased ingredient costs)?", "Is there any risk due to changes in regulations or legislation (e.g., health and safety, employment)?"]
customer_comments = """
Customer 1: The seats look really raggedy.
Customer 2: The garlic pizza is the best on this earth.
Customer 3: I've noticed that there's a new server every time I visit, and they're clueless.
Customer 4: Why aren't there calzones?
Customer 5: I love the garlic pizza and can't get it anywhere else.
Customer 6: The garlic pizza is exceptional.
Customer 7: I prefer a calzone's portable nature as compared with pizza.
Customer 8: Why is the pizza so expensive?
Customer 9: There's no way to do online ordering.
Customer 10: Why is the seating so uncomfortable and dirty?
, then Define
)This tutorial is mainly based on the excellent course “How Business Thinkers Can Start Building AI Plugins With Semantic Kernel” provided by John Maeda and Andrew Ng
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Jan Kirenz