Semantic Kernel
This sample allows you to build your own integrated large language model (LLM) chat copilot. The sample is built on Microsoft Semantic Kernel and has two components: a frontend React web app and a backend .NET web API service.
GitHub repo:
The backend server demonstrates how to connect to a variety of resources like auth, vector dbs, telemetry, content safety, PDF import, and even OCR.
// # ABBREVIATED Chat Copilot Application Settings
"AIService": {
"Type": "AzureOpenAI",
"Endpoint": "", // ignored when AIService is "OpenAI"
"Key": "",
"Models": {
"Completion": "gpt-35-turbo",
"Embedding": "text-embedding-ada-002",
"Planner": "gpt-35-turbo"
// Optional Azure Speech service configuration for providing Azure Speech access tokens.
// - Set the Region to the region of your Azure Speech resource (e.g., "westus").
// - Set the Key using dotnet's user secrets (see above)
// (i.e. dotnet user-secrets set "AzureSpeech:Key" "MY_AZURE_SPEECH_KEY")
"AzureSpeech": {
"Region": ""
// "Key": ""
// Authorization configuration to gate access to the service.
// - Supported Types are "None", "ApiKey", or "AzureAd".
// - Set ApiKey using dotnet's user secrets (see above)
// (i.e. dotnet user-secret set "Authorization:ApiKey" "MY_API_KEY")
"Authorization": {
"Type": "None",
"ApiKey": "",
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "",
"TenantId": "",
"ClientId": "",
"Audience": "",
"Scopes": "access_as_user" // Scopes that the client app requires to access the API
// Chat stores are used for storing chat sessions and messages.
// - Supported Types are "volatile", "filesystem", or "cosmos".
// - Set "ChatStore:Cosmos:ConnectionString" using dotnet's user secrets (see above)
// (i.e. dotnet user-secrets set "ChatStore:Cosmos:ConnectionString" "MY_COSMOS_CONNSTRING")
"ChatStore": {
"Type": "volatile",
"Filesystem": {
"FilePath": "./data/chatstore.json"
"Cosmos": {
"Database": "CopilotChat",
"ChatSessionsContainer": "chatsessions",
"ChatMessagesContainer": "chatmessages",
"ChatMemorySourcesContainer": "chatmemorysources",
"ChatParticipantsContainer": "chatparticipants"
// "ConnectionString": // dotnet user-secrets set "ChatStore:Cosmos:ConnectionString" "MY_COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING"
// Memory stores are used for storing new memories and retrieving semantically similar memories.
"MemoryStore": {
"Type": "volatile",
"Qdrant": {
"Host": "http://localhost",
"Port": "6333",
"VectorSize": 1536
// "Key": ""
"AzureCognitiveSearch": {
"Endpoint": ""
// "Key": ""
"Chroma": {
"Host": "http://localhost",
"Port": "8000"
"Postgres": {
"VectorSize": 1536
// "ConnectionString": // dotnet user-secrets set "MemoryStore:Postgres:ConnectionString" "MY_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING"
// Document import configuration
"DocumentMemory": {
"GlobalDocumentCollectionName": "global-documents",
"ChatDocumentCollectionNamePrefix": "chat-documents-",
"DocumentLineSplitMaxTokens": 72,
"DocumentChunkMaxTokens": 512,
"FileSizeLimit": 4000000,
"FileCountLimit": 10
// OCR support is used for allowing end users to upload images containing text in addition to text based documents.
"OcrSupport": {
"Type": "none",
"Tesseract": {
"Language": "eng",
"FilePath": "./data"
"AzureFormRecognizer": {
"Endpoint": ""
// "Key": "",
// Application Insights configuration
// - Set "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING" using dotnet's user secrets (see above)
Congratulations! You have completed this tutorial 👍
Next, you may want to go back to the lab’s website
Jan Kirenz