
Take a look at the slides tutorial to learn how to use all slide options.

  1. Colab: Click on one of the links “💻 Jupyter Notebook” to start a Colab session.
  2. Local: Click on one of the links “💻 Jupyter Notebook” below, go to the Colab menu and choose “File” > “Download” > “Download .ipynb”
  3. Cloud Codespace: Work in a fully configured dev environment in the cloud with a GitHub Codespace VS Code Browser environment.
  4. Local VS Code with Codespace: Use GitHub Codespaces in your local Visual Studio Code environment.

For cost reasons we mainly use OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo model in our tutorials. However, you can simply replace model="gpt-3.5-turbo" with model="gpt-4" in the helper function. Note the price difference between the two models.

1 Voice to Text

Learn how to use Whisper to convert audio data into text data: