1  Project Environment

Organizing your files is crucial for efficiency and accessibility in data science and software development projects. To start, we create a folder named toolkit-lab on your machine and establish subdirectories code and data to keep your project organized.

Instead of using a graphical user interface (GUI) like Windows File Explorer or macOS Finder, we will use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to accomplish this.

The command line may seem daunting at first, but it opens up a new level of interaction with your computer. As you become more familiar with it, you’ll find many tasks can be completed more efficiently than using a GUI.

The CLI, also known as cmd, prompt, console, or terminal, is a powerful tool for setting up your working environment. It operates through a program called a shell, enabling direct communication with the operating system via text-based inputs.

1.1 Windows

Follow these steps to create the main directory and subdirectories using the Windows Command Prompt:

  1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog.

  2. Type cmd and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

  3. We create a new folder named toolkit-lab (copy this code and enter it in your Command Prompt):

    mkdir toolkit-lab
  4. Use cd(change directory) to navigate into the toolkit-lab directory:

    cd toolkit-lab
  5. Use mkdir (make directory) to create the subdirectories code and data:

    mkdir code data

These commands set up a parent directory toolkit-lab with two subdirectories code for your scripts and applications, and data for storing datasets and related files.

1.2 macOS/Linux

Follow these steps to create the main directory and subdirectories using the Terminal in macOS or Linux:

  1. To open the Terminal in macOS, you can use Spotlight Search (Cmd + Space) and type “Terminal,” or navigate through Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal.

  2. We create a new folder named toolkit-lab (copy this code and enter it in your Terminal):

    mkdir toolkit-lab
  3. Use cd(change directory) to navigate into the toolkit-lab directory:

    cd toolkit-lab
  4. Use mkdir (make directory) to create the subdirectories code and data:

    mkdir code data

These commands set up a parent directory toolkit-lab with two subdirectories code for your scripts and applications, and data for storing datasets and related files.