9  Workspace setup

Before programming in Python, let’s make sure you have a properly configured workspace.

9.1 Starting Anaconda Navigator

  1. Launch Anaconda Navigator:
    • Open Anaconda Navigator from the Applications folder on macOS or the Start Menu on Windows.
  2. Open Jupyter Notebook:
    • In Anaconda Navigator, find Jupyter Notebook and click ‘Launch’ to open it in your web browser.

9.2 Setting Up Jupyter Notebook

  1. Select the Environment:
    • In Jupyter Notebook, use the “New” dropdown menu (top right) to select the python-basics environment.
  2. Create a New Notebook:
    • Click ‘New’ and select python-basics under the Notebooks section to start a new Notebook. Inside the notebook, create a new markdown cell to give the Notebook a title (e.g. Python basics):
    # Python basics
  3. Save the Notebook:
    • Save your Notebook in the code folder (refer to our folder structure explanation) with a meaningful name (e.g. python-basics.ipynb)

9.3 Download Jupyter Notebook

In the upcoming sections, you’ll have the option to download the content as a notebook. Once downloaded, you can save it in your code folder and open the notebook in Jupyter.

The download link is located at the start of each document containing code-related content.