12  Functions

Functions help you write modular, reusable blocks of code. This section will demonstrate defining, calling, and documenting functions.

12.1 Simple Function

Start with a basic function that calculates the square of a number:

# Function to calculate the square of a number
def square(num):
    """Calculate and return the square of a number."""
    return num * num

# Using the function to find the square of 4
result = square(4)
print(f"Square of 4: {result}")
Square of 4: 16


  • def begins the function definition, followed by the function name square and a parameter num.
  • The docstring """ briefly describes the function’s purpose.
  • The function calculates the square using the formula num * num.
  • The return statement gives back the result to where the function is called.
  • The print function uses an f-string, a formatted string prefixed with f that allows inserting variables within {} curly braces. It’s more concise and easier to read than traditional string concatenation.

Advantages of f-Strings:

  • They provide a clean, intuitive way to include variables in strings.
  • Support for formatting is built-in (e.g., decimal places, padding).
  • They simplify string interpolation and enhance readability.

12.2 Function with Multiple Parameters

Functions can accept more than one parameter. Here’s a function that calculates the area of a rectangle:

# Function to calculate the area of a rectangle
def calculate_rectangle_area(length, width):
    """Calculate the area of a rectangle using its length and width."""
    return length * width

# Using the function with example values
length = 10
width = 5

area = calculate_rectangle_area(length, width)

print(f"Rectangle with length {length} and width {width} has an area of {area}")
Rectangle with length 10 and width 5 has an area of 50


  • length and width are parameters that the function uses to compute the rectangle’s area.
  • calculate_rectangle_area is called with specific values.
  • The f-string within the print statement provides clear output showing both input values and the calculated result.

12.3 Default Parameters

Default values for parameters are used when no arguments are provided.

# Function with a default parameter value
def greet(name="there"):
    """Greet a person by their name or with 'Hello there' by default."""
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

# Calling the function with a specific name

# Calling the function without an argument (uses the default)
Hello, Alice!
Hello, there!


  • The name="there" parameter provides a default value.
  • When calling greet("Alice"), it prints “Hello, Alice!”
  • Calling greet() without arguments uses the default “there.”

12.4 Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are small, anonymous functions useful for concise operations or passing as arguments. Here’s a basic example:

# Lambda function to add two numbers
add = lambda x, y: x + y

# Using the lambda function
result = add(3, 5)
print(f"Sum of 3 and 5: {result}")
Sum of 3 and 5: 8


  • lambda defines a quick function in a single line.
  • The expression x + y is calculated and returned.
  • Lambda functions are useful when you need a simple function temporarily.

12.5 Lambda Functions with DataFrames

Lambda functions are especially useful when you want to apply a custom transformation to each row or column of a DataFrame.

For instance, if you want to classify numbers based on certain conditions, a lambda function can help.

Example Code:

# Creating a DataFrame and using a lambda function for custom classification
import pandas as pd

# Example DataFrame
data = {"Numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 20, 25]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Define a custom function to classify numbers
def classify_number(num):
    if num < 10:
        return "Single-Digit"
    elif num < 20:
        return "Teens"
        return "Twenties or More"

# Apply the custom function with a lambda function to create a new column
df["Classification"] = df["Numbers"].apply(lambda x: classify_number(x))

# Display the DataFrame
Numbers Classification
0 1 Single-Digit
1 2 Single-Digit
2 3 Single-Digit
3 4 Single-Digit
4 5 Single-Digit
5 15 Teens
6 20 Twenties or More
7 25 Twenties or More


  • The DataFrame df is created with a column Numbers containing a range of values.
  • The function classify_number defines custom classification criteria:
    • Less than 10 is “Single-Digit”.
    • Less than 20 but not below 10 is “Teens”.
    • Values 20 or above are “Twenties or More.”
  • The apply method uses a lambda function to pass each value of Numbers through classify_number.
  • The result is a new Classification column containing the categorized values.

In this case, using a lambda function with apply is beneficial for quickly transforming the DataFrame based on a function that would otherwise require looping through each value individually.