24  GitHub Organization

Organizations are shared accounts where businesses and open-source projects can collaborate across many projects at once, with sophisticated security and administrative features.

Your team can collaborate on GitHub by using an organization account, which serves as a container for your shared work and gives the work a unique name and brand. Each person that uses GitHub always signs into a personal account, and multiple personal accounts can collaborate on shared projects by joining the same organization account.

24.1 Creating a Organization

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to GitHub: Go to GitHub Organizations.

  2. Click on ‘New organization’: You will be prompted to select a plan. Choose the free plan for starters.

  3. Fill in the Organization details: Provide a unique name for your organization and an email address for notifications.

  4. Invite your team: Once your organization is created, you can start inviting members to join. Learn how to invite other team members to an Organization in the next section.

24.2 Managing Members

After creating your organization, managing members is crucial to ensure smooth collaboration.

Inviting members:

  1. Go to your Organization page: Click on your profile picture in the top right, then your organizations, and select your new organization.

  2. Navigate to ‘People’ tab: Click on ‘Invite member’ and enter the username or email of the person you want to invite.

  3. Set roles and permissions: Assign roles such as Owner, Member, or Billing manager to control access levels.

Learn more about managing members and teams in your organization.